Digital Health Test Deja un comentario / Por w3bmaster / agosto 6, 2021 Welcome to Digital Health Test Surely there are aspects of your business that you feel can improve. This test is designed to evaluate the digital health of your company and give you guidance on the next step to improve your Digital Marketing. Click the 'Next' button to begin. Does your business have a website? ¿Tu empresa tiene página web? Yes No I don't know Ninguna Do you use responsive designs? ¿Utilizas diseños responsivos? Yes No I don't know Ninguna Do you use corporate email addresses? (Ex. ¿Tu empresa tiene correos electrónicos personalizados? (Ej. Yes No I don't know Ninguna Do you keep an updated corporate blog? ¿Tu empresa mantiene un blog actualizado? Yes, we keep an updated blog. We have a blog, but we barely use it. We do not have a blog. Ninguna Does your business follow a social media strategic plan? ¿Tu empresa sigue un plan estratégico para redes sociales? Yes No I don't know Ninguna Do you have a social media manager or a community manager hired in your staff? ¿Tienes a un social media manager o community manager contratado? Yes, a capable professional manages my social media No, the owner or general manager usually handles social media I don't know Ninguna Have you identified at least three competitors? (Their website and social media) ¿Tienes identificados al menos tres competidores? (Su sitio web y redes sociales) Yes No Ninguna Do you know what a Lead Magnet is? ¿Sabes lo que es un Lead Magnet? Yes No Ninguna Do you have a defined budget for digital advertising? ¿Tienes un presupuesto definido para publicidad digital? Yes, I have a budget for digital advertising No, I invest as I see fit I don't have a defined budget Ninguna Do you have a communication or customer service system accessible from your website / social networks? (Different from the facebook inbox) ¿Tienes un sistema de comunicación o atención al cliente accesible desde tu web/redes sociales? (Distinto al inbox de facebook) Yes No Ninguna Time's up